Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 11 - More Last Minute Madness

This was a last minute, 3am, figure drawing that went from focusing on gesture to look at light source and colour values.
I wanted to use simplified brushstrokes for the maid body with the focal point being her face and mask.
I also wanted to convey a sort of sorceress, power vibe and or mood. The hands were a bit off because I didn't make use of a reference.
Still, I like the texture on the skull/mask and I enjoyed trying to think about how the light source would affect the plains and shapes of her back, while trying to keep that liquid gesture to her body. (Trying to keep my figures from looking stiff).

Week 10 - Last Minute Line and Scene Study

I got a little side tracked. Okay very side tracked and went overboard with the background story and motivation for my Witcher Concept Character.

I should have saved the energy and time for some of my other work but I found that I was able to keep my anxiety at bay for some time when fleshing this character out and discover how to utilize the already well established Witcher lore.

I drew this in part to use for a small side project I created to showcase my ability to direct and collaborate on a project (as well as tell the characters backstory in a much more interesting way, through audio and visuals).

I thought of the scene, the twisting and twirling shape language of the line and how to use a simple background with receding values.
I think it came out pretty well.

Week 9 - Buffy Colour to Black and White Study

Who'da thought that by studying something, I'm learning techniques which I can then apply to original, plucked from my brain work. I decided to focus on my values and how the light is affecting the plains of the face from being back lit. It's also interesting to note the intensity and range of the light.

Light source... light source... light source.

Shape x (light source) + value = form.